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Susan Payne, New Jersey

“The moment you stepped into the room and started to speak, I knew you were a force to be reckoned with. My heart said, there is no need to hide or disguise it. This one will pull it out and free you from it.”  "Thank you for revealing to me, the opportunities hidden inside of my crisis." 


Although a quiet struggle for many, personal crisis and trauma is alive and well in the hearts and minds of far too many people across the globe--especially in the western hemisphere. Whether because of financial ruin, violence, sexual attack, hate, bitterness, and more, between community traumas or national war, fear and crisis are an ever present condition of the human experience. Taking the time to minister to the emotional needs of people is what is needed, and that is what we do. With personal examples and principled teaching of what is and what is not sound behavior, to what is and what is not sound thinking, Valarie Denise (Lady V) uses personal life crisis management techniques and spiritual balance as a weapon for success. There is nothing out there quite like it.


Lady V and her authentically unique approach to community healing, restoration and soothing the pain of loss and life's ambiguities because of personal crisis or trauma, is what makes her a force to be reckoned with in the crisis management genre. She is not an everyday occurrence by any means, and most pick that up right away. Instead, she is a matured-force filled with great understanding, compassion, knowledge and incredible insight and wisdom for the traumatized. Lady V is the one who guides people through the unseen long-term pitfalls and traps we erroneously create because of financial, physical, emotional or spiritual trauma or crises in our lives.

Valarie Denise comes to the community at large with specialized know-how in handling life’s matters head on. Whether it is a sudden and unexpected death, failed relationship due to interpersonal discovery, disease, stress induced trauma, or poor parental leadership, this is exactly why her work as an author, humanitarian, biblical-Hebrew teacher, inspirational talk radio personality, and community advocate is so warranted in the lives of many. Lady V easily helps to bring deliverance through instruction on self-value, boundaries, limits and real expectations to the core of our everyday lives. It is because of her personal exposure and victory over so many crisis-induced circumstances that makes her a surreal and eye opening spokesperson. Taking a few steps back into her own past, Lady V can tell straight away what a crisis will bring, and how to combat its negative affects beforehand. For her, “Crisis presents opportunity". "Whether it was brought on by commission or omission—you to will have to relearn decision making skills after experiencing a personal life trauma.”

As a staunch believer in her tried-and-true mentoring concept, The Human Connection™, Lady V is able to bring to the hearer, those things that are hidden, yet are of vital importance to them. Their overall emotional well-being and happiness is her only target. This alone is what makes Minister Valarie Denise an unparalleled, yet welcome leader to so many.


To show the earnestness of her calling, in 2009, Valarie Denise unexpectedly walked away from her very healthy 35 year career as a New York City administrator in publishing, corporate law and investment banking; all in an effort to expend her energy totally into giving direction and answers to those facing a current or past crisis—one situation at a time. Called to study in Denver, Colorado under Rabbi Ralph Messer, to sit under and learn the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, Lady V is now also launching a trilogy of personal self-expansion books for 2014, each chronicling  her own personal crisises. The first being her auto-graphical highlight: I Prayed To God But The Devil Answered, Living in the Land of Nowhere, and Down Low in the 21st Century/The New Face of the Broken Marriage.  To add to preparation for her written work, during the previous 5-years Valarie Denise has also become the smooth voice of traditional and internet talk radio in Denver, Atlanta, Chicago and soon Miami, Florida, as well as across the globe in well over 100 countries including Eastern Europe.  With a focus only on the personal crisis management of those having endured unbearable and unexpected circumstances due to no cause of their own. Lady V, as some call her, has developed a sound teaching-mentoring concept to be released in person in the form of workshops, forums, books, audios and more.  Each approach will target core beliefs and concepts that people hold inside that are actually failed truths about theirselves, the world they live in, and the people to whom they are called, as well as the things around them.  Failure is not an option as she believes. And with Valarie Denise, self-accountability without regret is really the missing link for most!

You, your group, your organization and community will be completely intrigued, educated and convinced that it is time to do whatever it takes to just “live again”.  Aren't you ready to bask in the light?

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